Tuesday, August 11, 2009

School in the Dooley house

Here is our school desk!
This is our little sign that we hang on the door. I was worried that we would have lots of interruptions. It says "I am doing school inside. Come at 2:00"
One of my goals of homeschooling is to fill Em up with encouraging words. But I am her mama too, so to make myself more conscious of my words, I covered this paper with contact paper and use a dry erase marker to tally my positive comments and negative comments. It is really helping.
We also want Em to have a better grasp on what she is feeling and how her words affect others. So we created these little pictures for the wall.

There was only tears once on our first day of school. Emma's not mine. And we worked through the hard math problems and dried the tears.

Keep us in your prayers as it is a new adventure and I am a little stir crazy and it is only day 2!
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