Sunday, August 8, 2010

Carthage box


Friends at a church in Carthage have remembered us.  They sent a great box!  Coloring books and a BIG box of crayons that the girls spent a whole day coloring in!

IMG_2485 IMG_2505We took some foam craft things from the box and took them up to the hospital.  What a fun time! IMG_2506 Lots of people got into the craft making and had fun being creating.  Sherry is in the purple hat (previous blog) and doing much better!

IMG_2507 IMG_2509


FONTY said...

hello my friend! warm greeting ^^!
your blog looks nice 0_0

by the way,
if you need to find unique fonts, you can go to our website.

best regards;

Anonymous said...

Hi Dooley family!
Thank you for the craft pics, you have brought such joy to my heart with your posting!!
Our God is great!
Thank you for letting me share in this small way, what you do each day on the mission field.
Your friend
Michele Burge