Monday, June 9, 2008

Will you go to church with me?

Okay, It's 8:00am on Sunday morning, are you ready for church? Got camera, waterbottle, bible, backpack with 3 year old, bubble gum for the kids at church, snack for 3 year old during church, and your walking shoes one? Here we go!
 First you have to go past the beautiful tea feilds of Papua New Guinea.

It is also very important that you shake hands with everyone along the road that you meet.

Keep going past the banana and tabacco garden, no stopping. You also go over the old rickety bridge, but I would rather not talk about it.

Finally, when you see this bush house, take a right. You have been walking 45 minutes and are almost there!
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1 comment:

JenLo said...

I think we are a little spoiled in the US with hopping in our car and zipping down the road to Sunday morning service!