Monday, June 30, 2008

Phil 4:4

This is a dear old friend, who I have known through our five years here, I call her Mama and she calls me Mama. 2 of her sons are pastors and she was close friends with the some of the first missionaries here. I gave her a bracelt in the past, because she liked it (it was from my Springfield bible study friends). She wore the bracelt for years until it broke in the garden. She has had a stroke and is a bit difficult to understand now. Also, she only speaks tokples (talk place), so I could not ever understand her. It doesn't stop her from talking and I just nod and smile. It brought joy to my day to be with her.
She had no idea what a camera was.
"o-my that is me!" She exclaimed as I showed her the play back of the picture on the screen.
Now she has it figured out and everyone tells her to smile. Isn't she precious.
I wish I could have gotten a picture of what happened after church. I brought a bag of 100 peices of gum to church and they handed it out, first to the kids, then to the 16 people who were baptised, then to the adults. They skipped Mama and another old lady. Soon the gum was gone. I had a couple peices of Bubble Yum in my purse. Now, you know what it feels like when you stuff a big piece of gum like that in your mouth. But think if you were 70, had never experienced that, and you find yourself with a huge super sweet substance in your mouth and your few teeth and tongue do not know what to do! She loved it. I was a bit worried that she would aspirate or something, but about 10 mintues later, she was still chewing, or should I say wallering the gum.

Lena told me that Mama always shares verse Phil 4:4. During testamony time. Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice! What a great life verse to have.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've met this lady too. Nice to hear the whole story. What a sweetheart she is!