Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sermons lessons


This is my friend Lena, who is sporting a stocking hat that I knitted!  The church marked Lena to preach at her church.  Lena is not a pastor or scholar, but does a great job sharing with people.  She has preached several times, just not on Sunday mornings.   So, she wanted me to help her get a sermon together.  I thought she would have a topic or some verses or something, but not so much.  Friday morning we shared and I typed up some notes for her.  This was not the easiest task that I have ever done!  But we will pray that as she shares, she will speak from her heart, God’s word and people will grow.IMG_1526

1 comment:

Glenda said...

You do wear so many hats, don't you?! And I love Lena's hat that you made! I know that God will bless Lena's sermon.