Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hand surgery pictures- do I need to say that there is blood?


IMG_1574 I enjoy going to surgery so much.  Em was sick and I wasn’t going to go, but then she was feeling better.  A friend visiting our station wanted to come and watch surgery as well.  She took the pictures, so many times I take surgery for granted and don’t see the life changing effects.

So, let’s call him Paul, had a job to keep people from stealing coffee from a garden.  Men came to steal the coffee, Paul tried to stop them, and Paul got a broken ulna and 5 severed tendons.IMG_1582 Dr Jim opens the wound, finds the tendons (10 pieces) fixes the bone with K-wire (first picture) IMG_1583

Attaches all of the tendons back where they go, and now, Paul can resume his coffee guarding duties. 

1 comment:

Sidra said...

Oh Dear! Don't feel upset i know you will get well soon, as my own nice once had a hand surgery her thumb was totally cut from the hand, Oh my God that was very very frustrated moment for us. This happened when she was 2 years old after one month of she become perfect and now she is of 5 years. Hand surgery Thailand