Monday, July 28, 2008

Making tortillas

My poor husband loves Mexican food! My problem is that it takes so much effort to make tortillas! But with two 18 year olds and a 3 year old helping, it is much more fun!

I made the dough.
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Britt rolled out the dough with Livy's help. Now if you have cooked with a 3 year old recently, you know that it is much more work to cook with them, rather than on your own. Patience was overflowing from Brittany.
alt=''style='clear:both;float:left; margin:0px 10px 10px 0;' /> 

Sam fried them up to golden perfection! Good cookin' Sam!
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And we all enjoyed eating the Mexican feast!


afreakforjc said...

aw, nice.

Anonymous said...

Boy, that brings back memories. We made tacos every Friday night when we were in Bulgaria. Homemade tortillas are a lot of work, but OH so good!

You are in your prayers, friends.