Monday, July 28, 2008

Britt's Taro

Sam Bennett had a graduation mumu on Saturday. What a wonderful time. All week was filled with getting things ready, collecting supplies, and labors of love.
The night before a mumu consists of food preparation. Judy, Britt and I and probably 50 women (it's women's work)peeled kaukau and bananas for hours. The women's joy filled the air with laughter, memories, and stories.

Brittany is game to try everything and anything. She wanted to peel a taro and all of the women said "no, it will burn your skin and hurt your hands". I assume they had never seen a white woman do it. Britt excelled at taro peeling!

Taro is a huge starchy food, potato like, but denser and less flavor (unless you are PNG and then your description may vary from mine)

Britt did great, and shed off a few layers of her "whiteness" in front of those women. I am proud of who she is.

Kau kau, bananas and taro all have ill effects on the hands, and our hands got much worse through the night. The juice from the vegtables is stickly and very hard to get off. Our hands even got way too dirty to hold the camera!
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