Sunday, September 5, 2010

What was living in Allie’s closet!


Al has a shelf in her closet, 5 foot up, and it goes to the ceiling.  It sometimes is used for a reading nook.  Everyone was settling in for a quiet 1/2 hour and then Allie appears, a bit speechless, but attempting words.  We finally follow her to the closet where Scott captures this lizard/skink?   So she was up in the little confined space of her closet shelf staring eye to eye at this guy!

He seems to have enjoyed the ants in her closet.  IMG_2709 There was much discussion about whether to keep the little guy or not, some tears.  He had a nice Tupperware home with dirt/leaves/water/bugs for a day and then they let him go. 

1 comment:

Debbie A said...

Allaster and Luke think it's a lizard. They like it. It would love living here w/all the critters at our house...