Saturday, August 13, 2011



Daisy is a miracle story.

As she woke in the morning, she knew it was time for her baby to arrive.  Daisy went to the market area to wait for a car to bring her to the hospital.  It was then, that she felt her water break.  As she was seeking a private place to clean herself up, she realized that her baby’s foot had delivered already.

After a significant wait, they found a friend with a car to bring her to the hospital.  Daisy arrived at the hospital, knew she couldn’t wait in line, and made her way to the delivery ward.  She arrived, was quickly seen.  The doctor notified the surgery staff of the urgent need for a c/section. 

The timing couldn’t have been better, they were just finishing a case in our only operating room.  The room was quickly cleaned, Daisy prepared and brought to the OR.

When her baby was delivered, it was very flat, not breathing, but a heart rate.  After some fervent prayers and resuscitation , the baby gasped and clutched tightly to life here on earth.


Thanks God for your protection on Daisy and her new little baby.

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