Dear friends, The six teenage missionary kids (Allison Dooley, Quinton Schmelzenbach, Jessica and Ethan Myers, Josiah and Lydia Radcliffe) of Kudjip are preparing to Bible quiz at the national tournament at Olivet (Illinois) in July of this year. The books of study for this year are Hebrews and 1st and 2nd Peter. The kids have been studying intensely. This is an exciting opportunity for them to participate in a major youth event. They are going to be a great blessing to others and we are confident this will be a significant time in their lives. It is an expensive venture but we believe it to be a great investment in their lives. Round trip plane tickets will be more than $4,000 apiece. If you would like to support them in this, please consider sending a gift to Global Treasurer in Lenexa, KS, marked "Work of Scott and Gail Dooley, Bible Quizzing".
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