Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The birthday party


3:30, off we go to the Wara Kanya.  Despite the drizzle, we were optimistic.  New Years Day, we had tried a new swimming hole and loved it.  Allie decided she wanted to have her party there.IMG_4021 1/2 of the group floated down the river, under the bridge and through some new rapids.  As the groups rejoined, it was raining pretty steady.  The kids (and some grown ups) took turns jumping from the rocks to the water.  It wasn’t too long, until those of us wanting to stay dry were soaked and we started home.  IMG_4024 IMG_4030 IMG_4037 We sliced watermelon and spit the seeds at each other on the way home.IMG_4039 IMG_4050

Dried off, changed, hot cocoa, “the bag game”, cake, gifts, and a round of Apples to Apples rounded out the party.

1 comment:

Glenda said...

Wow You have a teenager . . . a beautiful teenager! Belated Happy Birthday! I pray that God would draw especially near your sweet girls.