Friday, October 8, 2010

Suzanna and Kiau


This is our friend Suzanna, a pastor’s wife.  I was busy with homeschooling Emma, when Suzanna came to visit 2 weeks ago.  So she painted with Olivia for several hours while her cell phone charged. 

During a break between Math and Science, Suzanna and I had coffee and cookies together.  She shared about a young man in her village, her neighbor, his name is Kiau (egg).  3 days before, Kiau had attempted to rape a 18 month old girl.  This was Kiau’s fourth rape, the others being young women and teens.  The village was up in arms.  What could they do with Kiau?  Kiau’s adopted father, who lives in a different city, said “Throw him in jail.  I give up!  There is no hope for my son!”  IMG_2831

The 18 month old’s father, a Lutheran pastor, forgave Kiau.  What a miracle of God.  I do not know if I would ever be able to do that!  And pray that God will never let that happen to our family!

Suzanna and I prayed and talked.  How could anyone be so filled with evil to do these horrible things.  I pleaded with God to get a hold of Kiau and change his life.

After I prayed, Suzanna said “I am going straight home, find Kiau, and tell him of God’s love.” To be honest, I was fearful for her and that was not my intention at all while I prayed.  But God must have been directing her. 

IMG_2830 Yesterday, Suzanna came back to visit me.  We talked for a long time and then I brought up Kiau.  She said “Oh! How could I have forgotten to tell you!  When I got home that day, Kiau was waiting for me, walked straight up to me! He had been hiding out in the bush and I thought I would have to go find him!  But he found me!  He said ‘I am such a mess.  Suzanna, I need God!’” 


Did you hear what I wrote?  Even while we prayed at my house, God was already working in Kiau’s heart!  This man, who seemed beyond hope! Kiau prayed with Suzanna to give his heart to God and asked forgiveness that day!  Every day since then, he has been getting spiritually fed by Suzanna and her husband!

I am so thankful that God let me see this miracle and share it with you.  No matter what you are feeling, thinking, believing…I am TELLING you….GOD IS REAL.  GOD IS ACTIVE. GOD LOVES YOU!

1 comment:

Alison Weinstock said...

Gail, thank you for telling us this great news about Kiau!

Isn't it amazing that God uses us in His redemptive process?!