Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It isn't easy being 3!

Some things about 3 are easy, like looking cute, talking cute and twirling in a fancy pink dress.
Other things are hard.
Like not hitting your sister when you are mad.
Like understanding why you can't have a brownie when you want it.
Like cleaning up when you are not done playing.
Like doing something because you mom says so.
Like not sticking a bead up your nose.
Like pronouncing hard words with "s-blends". So spicy is "picy" and starving is "tarving!" and school is "cool".

But our family is complete with our wonderful 3 year old!
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Danielle said...

aw, the quintessential fancy pink twirling dress!

dooleysinpng said...

Right after I posted this, Olivia said "Mom, I want to look at another crap book!" I said "What?" "CRAPbook! CRAPbook! Mom!"