Wednesday, March 19, 2008

As we are in the states this Easter season, we are surrounded by plastic eggs, marshmallow chicks and books about spring.

As Christians we know that Christ's resurrection is the true meaning. I want to share what my friend Judy wrote in an email:

Sunday night (at a remote village-Dusin, PNG) they showed the Jesus Film in church, it had not been played for 8-10 years. Everything was going wrong with the equiptment, first the generator, then the dvd, then the projector, then everything. It felt like a lot of opposition. Finally everything was working at the same time. They had to stop the film at the crufixion and have an altar call because so many people were crying. There were probably 1000 people crowded in to see the film. The altar was probably 15 people deep praying. Ladies were climbing over the pews to get to the altar. They prayed for a long time and then started the film again and showed the ressurection. It was very wonderful.

We have the good news here too- may God open your eyes today to who needs to hear it!

Pictures by Mark Wright
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Anonymous said...

LOVE THE PHOTOS!!! We've enjoyed keeping up via your blog, all the stories and photos of your fun on furlough. Praying for you all. - Jill (for all 4)

Tommy & Jerissa Belsha said...

Those pics are so adorable...we have loved being able to keep up with your travels in the states.
Hugs to all,
Jerissa, Tommy, & Emma