Monday, October 27, 2008

4 kina-from Emma's point of view

Friday afternoon there is a knock at the door.
Mommy and Olivia are sleeping. Allie and I are watching a movie.
I see our teen age friend Stanley outside.
We chat for awhile in Pidgin.
He needs 4 kina.
I ask him "Why?"
He says he is going to go somewhere and needs the money.
I say "Okay."
I go to my piggy bank, find four kina and give it to him.
He leaves and I go back to watching the movie.

I told mom about it when she got up.
She gave me four kina to replace mine.
I said "It's okay mom, I have lots of kina! Like 40!"
Then mom explained that Stanley works for the school on Fridays. He was coming to get his pay for cleaning the roof of the school.
I thought it was just a friend in need and gave him the money because that is what Jesus would do.


Heather said...

Oh. This totally touched my heart. Thank you for posting this.

afreakforjc said...
