Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sonic Supper

I arrive home at 4pm from helping in surgery.  The house was all abuzz, and no one was telling me what was going on for supper.  So, I did some computer work until Allison told me we had to go out to supper.  We got in the car, drove around our circle drive and into the car port.

IMG_5621 There was a sign and menu for SONIC in the car port and a cute little waitress came out to take our order.  There were all of my favorite choices.  I think we all ordered cheese burgers, onion rings, and sundaes.  A couple of us got a Cherry-Limeaid.

IMG_5623 IMG_5630 IMG_5632 Or order came very quickly.

IMG_5633 IMG_5634

The waitress and chef came out and ate with us too.

I think we are all feeling that the 6 months until furlough is a long time away.  It was very fun for us to pretend to be back for a little while.    We decided we’d all go to the mall and where Aunt Wetta works and swimming while we were in the states.  Nice night.

When the gecko crawled in through the open car window, we remembered that we were not in Kansas anymore.


John said...

Great to hear about your night out ! Only thing which surprised me is I've never heard any waiter joining the customer for a meal!?!?! Looks the environment out there was very friendly!
Am I a Day Person or a Night Person?
Do you like bright days or calm nights?

Sarah Pridey said...

It was so wonderful to see you all at NMI convention this week! Praying for you!!!