Now, if you don't know, I am a Kansas girl. Yes, flat, flat, flat plains. From my house, I could see the lights of my school, 9 miles away.
PNG is filled with beautiful mountains and valleys. Thursday, we climbed the mountain in this picture, named Elephant Back. Sunday, in my quite time I studied this verse...As the mountains surround PNG, the Lord surrounds me now and forever. (Gail Dooley translation)
What a peace filled my heart. To know that God surrounds me like the mountains that are all around me. Any time the enemy is trying to sneak up on me, He knows. Only if he knows I can handle it, does He let them come over the mountains. God doesn't protect me from every trial, but He is right there in the midst of difficulty! Praise Him!
Inspiration from the Bible and "Stepping Up, a journey through the Psalms of Ascent", by Beth Moore.