Yeah! The little girl that got hit on the head with a pop bottle was sent home!
She was just playing with another patient’s walker, she was walking fine with just a little weakness on her right side. A true miracle!
Saturday was one patient after another 5 after another 5! Finally about 3 in the afternoon, the ER exploded with a bus full of intoxicated people who had swerved off the side of a one lane bridge to the river below to avoid hitting another car. If you have seen our highways, then you know how scary that is!
After a couple hours, many doctors, many many nurses and aids, everyone was taken care of and treated. Just another day in paradise!
Last week Olivia and a friend found some beetles near the old hospital, they made a house for them with beds and blankets out of various things.
When I went in to surgery on Tuesday, there was a little 9 year old girl
She had weakness on the right side before surgery and I checked on her today, and her right side is still weak. Please pray for her recovery.
Some of the males on station were going to the bat cave on Sat. morning. Allison asked them to bring her back a bat…
A tradition at our house is Breakfast in Bed for your birthday. Olivia said she wanted “grilled cheese, without the cheese” for her breakfast. Can you guess what that is?
The first present of the day was 2 outfits from Grammer and Papa and a cake!
Olivia has developed a taste for PNG “hot dogs” (thanks to my dad), so when we walk, she wants to buy one. They have a potential of being clean and not making a person sick… So, when we walked with our friends, the Kumors, Olivia bought one like normal and then Caleb wanted one too. He did a great job of buying it all by himself and they enjoyed the little sausage.
Then we went across the street to get an ice cream,
walked through the second hand clothes, got some produce and headed home. It was a nice outing.
On our trip home, before our first flight, I had the girls hold out their empty hands. I then filled the hands up with grace. I told them that grace is undeserved loving actions. We knew that there would be times when we didn’t feel loving and didn’t want to be loving along the journey, but we could remember that I had given them extra grace so that they could share it with our family.
This seemed to work. I also would give “refills of grace” when attitudes and emotions were getting a little hot.
I decided to continue this behavior modification at home. A friend had drawn pictures of the girls (aren’t they good?) and I printed off some grace and stop pictures with names on the front and magnets on the back.
So, if Allison shows Olivia grace and lets her keep blowing the whistle in the house without asking her to stop, Allie would put a grace picture from her bag on Livy’s photo. Or is Emma is driving Liv crazy and Olivia wants her to stop, then Liv can choose if she wants to ask her to “stop” or wants to “give grace.”
It is not a bad thing to ask someone to stop, but you are only allowed 6 stops per day per person. You do have unlimited grace magnets to give to your sisters.
This hasn’t stopped all of the little bickering at our house, but it has cut it back some and we are all learning what grace means!
Took a long walk through the rain forest to an orchid garden, but it was locked!
And Olivia met a friend! Notice Scott is missing from the pictures? He is in the capitol city going to meetings. Actually on Sunday, he was scuba diving, but the purpose of being in Moresby was the meetings.
I enjoy going to surgery so much. Em was sick and I wasn’t going to go, but then she was feeling better. A friend visiting our station wanted to come and watch surgery as well. She took the pictures, so many times I take surgery for granted and don’t see the life changing effects.
So, let’s call him Paul, had a job to keep people from stealing coffee from a garden. Men came to steal the coffee, Paul tried to stop them, and Paul got a broken ulna and 5 severed tendons. Dr Jim opens the wound, finds the tendons (10 pieces) fixes the bone with K-wire (first picture)
Attaches all of the tendons back where they go, and now, Paul can resume his coffee guarding duties.