Al and Em both wrote poems yesterday. Al for an assignment and Em "because I felt like I just had to write".
Pianos by Allison
Sounds like harmonious raindrops of music
Looks like ivory challenges that bring back old forgotten memories
Feels like wooden, smooth adventures
Smells dusty, like dew and
Tastes ancient and mysterious
Clocks by Emma
Clocks go, tick,
tock, tick,
tock, all threw the
They have three hands.
The short, fat
ower hand.
thiner, long,
minit hand.
thinest long
secint hand.
Clocks can be useful in a lot of ways.
Each poem was of course, accompanied by a beautiful picture.
And Olivia drew her fist person yesterday. She has been drawing "o" and "l" and "i" for her name. Yesterday she drew a person with head/body all in one, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, hat, and glasses.
I was quite impressed by my little ones!